Sexy Capitalism

by · August 13, 2015

capitalism kills love

Sexual and gender oppression is inherently connected to capitalist society, and Left Flank regular Simon Copland has just started crowdfunding his book project on this topic. You can hear Simon discuss his book and make a donation to his campaign, on his page with ByLine.

About his book

Sexy Capitalism documents the role that capitalism has on sexual and gender oppression. It is an in-depth look at one of our most powerful institutions — the family. The book looks at this history and how we developed the norms we have today. It will investigate how these norms have been designed to prop up our current society, arguing we can no longer disconnect debates about gender and sexuality from debates about economics.

The family, and the nuclear family in particular, is one of our most influentials institutions. Love and family dominate every facet of our society — from defining what it means to have a “good life” to shaping government policy and the way businesses relate to their staff and customers. Yet the family also has a dark side, being one of the most oppressive institutions for women and queers in our history.

Charting the history of the family, Sexy Capitalism argues that gender and sexual oppression are a condition of class, and capitalist society.

Simon’s posts on these issues on Left Flank

This year Simon has written a series of blog posts on Left Flank looking at the role capitalism has in sexual and gender oppression. The posts raise some of the issues and ideas in his book, and if you like what you read and can kick in a few dollars (here on his ByLine page) we think it will be $$ well spent!

Sex and society (1): The prehistoric family

Sex and society (2): The rise of the nuclear family

Sex and society (3): Capitalism & women’s oppression

Sex and society (4): Capitalism & gay oppression

Sex and society (5): Love & marriage

Sex and society (6): Liberation or Equality?